December 10th, 2008

First Blog Post

Cooper has been pretty much an indoor cat since his launch to fame on Saturday, December 6th. Cooper appeared on the tv show, Cats 101 on Animal Planet and in a front page article in Seattle P-I. The phones have been ringing off the hook around Cross Films where Cooper works during the day.

Cooper is currently sleeping off a long day of returning phone calls from news media. He had a nice dinner of kibble and mushroom broth with a sprinkling of nutritional yeast.

3 Responses to “First Blog Post”

  1. We just got in another rescue cat from the local shelter last week. I will never be able to understand how anyone could abandon or worse leave out a cat. A bunch of individuals suppose that cats can fend for themselves since they are predatory animals. They are darned free and wild little critters, but once a cat has been domesticized it not only loses its ability to live in the wild, but the individual who received the cat in has a obligation to give care for it. It really saddens me to know that anyone could abandon a cat. That is why I seek to help as best I can by taking in rescue cats.

  2. Alison White says:

    Cooper is amazing! Thanks for documenting his life for us all to learn from his adventures!!!

  3. Tchibo says:

    thanks so very much, i’ve always wondered how cats spend their days! btw great site (i love the design!)

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